| LONG | E+
| LW | CW | RW
77 | 94 | 69
| CW CGS type b2/e
RW CGS type b2/e
LW Power Bomb Mk.2
The VR development plant "Addax", which is said to be the biggest in the Earth Area, planned the market pioneering
to which they can take an initiative, had been keeping an eye on Mars. However, there is one major problem on this planet.
Because the activity of the V.convertors carried on the VRs are hampered by Mars Crystal, full performance cannot be aechieved
for the existing 2nd generation VRs. Accordingly, even if they were under the influence of a crystal, they were approached by
the necessity for a new VR for that can be deployed without malfucntion under the influence of such crystal. Consequently,
although a series of VR known as VOX were developed, before that, various experiments were conducted using 10/80¹
which were carried in large quantities as research materials from the Earth Area. 10/80adv, born during many trials, was the
modified fuselage for the operational test of the filter circuit commonly equipped among 3rd generation VRs. For this reason,
although it is possible to operate on Mars, since it is a test type after all, the performance is very low as a weapon. Therefore,
its official sales was postponed. However, at the Mars front, there were many battle areas out of the jurisdiction of International War Corp.
and Addax, and there is also not a small number of traders in those areas carrying nonstandard weapons. Therefore, cheap sales of this clearly
unfavorable item never cease to exist.
Ram Chop
Requirement: CW gauge 100%
Input: Air forward dash CW
Effect: CW gauge 0%
Note: Rush that goes straight.